Balance & Align Your Body.
Awaken Your Heart

Pilates Balances Your Body

Practicing Pilates has given me a balanced body so I can continue to live my life with confidence and ease. After 10+ years of pushing my body beyond its limits in my own personal Ashtanga Yoga practice of 2.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week as well as teaching yoga, I began to experience a series of injuries. Thanks to Pilates, I am still able to continue to practice and teach yoga from a wiser place with a uniformly stronger physique, a healthier range of flexibility and with more stability in my joints. I believe that Pilates is a perfect complement to Yoga. As a teacher of Pilates, I integrate the focus of the mind, the power of the breath with the movement of the body stemming from a strong, stable and flexible center to create a whole body sequence.

Yoga Aligns Your Body

Uniting the body and the mind, the breath is the thread that links the yoga poses into a moving meditation. By taking the time to breathe your body into alignment, your body and mind will flow as one into the present moment. It has been my experience that it is only when I am in the present moment that joy is awakened. As a teacher, I draw upon my own personal practice, creating a well thought out series of asanas that strengthens and/or opens each part of your body with breath. I will guide you with cues to align your body, maximizing the energetic and healing benefits of each pose and minimizing any risk of injury.

Meditation Awakens Your Heart

Meditation is known for cultivating the qualities of an awakened heart, loving-kindness and compassion. During formal meditation, you will learn how to accept each meditation just as it is, without striving nor judging and with loving kindness. For myself, as I became more accepting and compassionate towards myself during meditation, I begin to notice that I became more accepting and compassionate towards all beings in life. I consider my daily practice and the Dharma to be essential to my well-being and together they help to keep me centered as I navigate life. As a teacher, it is my honor to share my passion for meditation with all who are open to learning.

Certifications & Trainings:

Balanced Body Comprehensive Pilates Instructor Certification with Gwen Miller (Mat, Reformer, Trapeze Table, Chair, Barrel/Arc), The Dynamic Spine (How to work with 21 Spine & Hip Conditions) with Gwen Miller, The Garuda Method on the Reformer and Tara (Sling) with James D'Silva

Yoga Alliance 500 RYT with Yogaworks Erika Trice, Yoga Alliance 200 RYT with Ana Forrest, Yin Yoga with Sarah Powers, Restorative Yoga with Judith Hanson Lasater, Chair Yoga with Lakshmi Voelker, The Blue Print Poses with Maty Ezraty,
Level 1 Yoga Tune Up® Teacher Training

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach & Anne Cushman, Awakening Joy with James Baraz, Say What You Mean with Oren Jay Sofer

Ayurveda Wellness Counselor Level 1
with James Bailey